
Below are some definitions/summaries of relevant and important terms used throughout the site:

Tolerance- the ability of organisms to withstand environmental stressors

Ecological resilience- ability of an ecosystem to cope with and recover from disturbance [7]

Social resilience- ability of groups to deal with external stressors or disturbances

Phenotype- the set of traits, or genes expressed, that are displayed by an organism

Plasticity- ability to change/adapt

Population- subset of a single species that live in the general area

Ecosystem- the combination of all the biotic factors interacting with the abiotic factors in a region

Abiotic- arising from/ pertaining to the physical or chemical environment

Biotic- factors involving living organisms

Stresses- external conditions that adversely influence fitness

Invasive species- nonnative organisms that spread rapidly in new ecosystems

Fitness- reproductive success, or, success in passing on genes to new generations

Bimodal- distribution with two different modes

Phenology- study of the timing of seasonal events

Range- the set of conditions occupied by an organism

Realized niche- the set of conditions for which a species currently occupies

Fundamental niche- the set of conditions which a species if capable of occupying (is tolerant to)

Monsoon- short but intense periods of large amounts of precipitation, often accompanied by thunderstorms

Succulents- water-storing plants adapted to dry climates or soils, e.g. cacti